On Wednesday night on the Rick Amato show, Phil Liberatore and Amato claimed that Rep. Gary Miller had used a 2008 endorsement from Rep. Tom McClintock. Amato said that Miller sent out an email that said that Rep. Tom McClintock endorsed Miller. Amato said that the endorsement was from "two years ago," but didn't say why he thought that. Liberatore agreed with Amato.
Today we received the following comment from Rep. Tom McClintock stating that he did endorse Miller.
Statement from Rep. Tom McClintock: "The claim that Gary Miller improperly claimed my endorsement in the 2010 Republican primary is absolutely and completely false, and the people making it should know better. I enthusiastically support Gary Miller's candidacy and was proud to endorse him in the recent primary. On the floor of the House of Representatives I have seen first hand -- day in and day out -- his devotion to taxpayers and to the conservative cause and I could not possibly be stronger in my respect and support of him."
Friday, June 11, 2010
Rep. Gary Miller comments on election
The following has been posted on the campaign web site of Rep. Gary Miller.
A Message from Congressman Miller...
I am humbled and honored for the outpouring of support I received during this past election. It was a hard fought battle—a lot of money was spent by my opponents—but my supporters and I always remained true to our core conservative values, looked past the lies and false assertions, and pressed on.
Thinking back on the election, I’m disappointed so much money was spent by Republicans to attack Republicans—and how that money could have been used to take back Congress in November or at least defeat the U.S. Senate’s most liberal member, Barbara Boxer.
But this election allowed me the opportunity to broadcast the need to lower taxes to jump start our economy, enact tougher immigration laws to stop taxpayer handouts to illegals, rebuild our crumbling roads and infrastructure, and decrease government spending.
Times are tough and voters are angry—and rightfully so. Congressional Democrats and President Obama have increased taxes, socialized our healthcare and dumped billions of taxpayer dollars to prop up union-plagued industries.
And Democrats are not done yet: amnesty for illegal immigrants and a Cap and Trade tax scheme are right around the corner.
Every day I’m fighting tooth and nail to stop them—as I believe the residents of the 42nd district expect me to do.
For at the end of the day, it’s the voters who are my employer and I am truly honored they have once again put their faith and trust in me to represent their interests in Washington.
A Message from Congressman Miller...
I am humbled and honored for the outpouring of support I received during this past election. It was a hard fought battle—a lot of money was spent by my opponents—but my supporters and I always remained true to our core conservative values, looked past the lies and false assertions, and pressed on.
Thinking back on the election, I’m disappointed so much money was spent by Republicans to attack Republicans—and how that money could have been used to take back Congress in November or at least defeat the U.S. Senate’s most liberal member, Barbara Boxer.
But this election allowed me the opportunity to broadcast the need to lower taxes to jump start our economy, enact tougher immigration laws to stop taxpayer handouts to illegals, rebuild our crumbling roads and infrastructure, and decrease government spending.
Times are tough and voters are angry—and rightfully so. Congressional Democrats and President Obama have increased taxes, socialized our healthcare and dumped billions of taxpayer dollars to prop up union-plagued industries.
And Democrats are not done yet: amnesty for illegal immigrants and a Cap and Trade tax scheme are right around the corner.
Every day I’m fighting tooth and nail to stop them—as I believe the residents of the 42nd district expect me to do.
For at the end of the day, it’s the voters who are my employer and I am truly honored they have once again put their faith and trust in me to represent their interests in Washington.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Phil Liberatore comments on election; Received Death Threat, Dogs killed
Former 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore was a guest on the Rick Amato show last night.
Some of the comments;
Liberatore said that during the campaign he received a death threat and had his two dogs killed. He alleged that the day after they were killed a picture of one of the dogs appeared in a campaign mailer from Rep. Gary Miller. I wonder why this is the first we have heard of the death threats or the killings of his dogs from Liberatore. Liberatore didn't say anything about a police investigation or how or why he thought it was a picture of his dog in the Miller mail piece.
Liberatore said that he was going to look at his future political options and try to "keep the momentum going."
When asked by Amato if he had heard from Miller or any of the other candidates he said, " No I haven't heard from anybody." I wonder if he knows that it is customary to call the winner, not the other way around. Former 42nd candidate Lee McGroarty commented on our blog yesterday that he would be calling Miller, Liberatore and David Su.
Amato said that on Monday Miller sent out an email that said that Rep. Tom McClintock endorsed Miller. Amato said that the endorsement was from "two years ago," but didn't say why he thought that.
Some of the comments;
Liberatore said that during the campaign he received a death threat and had his two dogs killed. He alleged that the day after they were killed a picture of one of the dogs appeared in a campaign mailer from Rep. Gary Miller. I wonder why this is the first we have heard of the death threats or the killings of his dogs from Liberatore. Liberatore didn't say anything about a police investigation or how or why he thought it was a picture of his dog in the Miller mail piece.
Liberatore said that he was going to look at his future political options and try to "keep the momentum going."
When asked by Amato if he had heard from Miller or any of the other candidates he said, " No I haven't heard from anybody." I wonder if he knows that it is customary to call the winner, not the other way around. Former 42nd candidate Lee McGroarty commented on our blog yesterday that he would be calling Miller, Liberatore and David Su.
Amato said that on Monday Miller sent out an email that said that Rep. Tom McClintock endorsed Miller. Amato said that the endorsement was from "two years ago," but didn't say why he thought that.
Phil Liberatore Post Election Statement
Received the following statement from a Liberatore Campaign email.
My wife Dana and I want to thank everyone who came out and voted for me in this election. You will never know how much this means to me. It is a tremendous honor to have you put your faith in me and the ideas I put forward to ‘Take Back America’.
I also want to thank the hundreds of volunteers who put in precious time placing yard signs, stuffing envelopes, making phone calls and sending out all those postcards. Your enthusiasm and encouragement kept me going all those late nights and early mornings. I would also like to thank the tremendous team that served during the campaign.
While we lost this race I do believe a clear message has been sent, as the incumbent received less than 50% of the vote. I call upon Congressman Miller to take note as to how We The People voted. I am disappointed the vote was split amongst three challengers, as it is evident we had the momentum going into the final weeks. However, if I had to do it all over again I would enter the race again tomorrow.
Having walked the neighborhoods and meeting the people of our community personally was one of the richest experiences of my life. I entered this race because I have a great concern about the direction of our country. But as I walked the district meeting our neighbors and experiencing the support of the voters, I am hopeful. Please do not give up on this good fight to restore accountability, fiscal responsibility and the values this country was founded upon, they are too important. I encourage you to get involved on any and every level as our Founding Fathers envisioned a country of citizens in leadership not career politicians.
Again I want to thank all of you for your votes, supports and prayers.
May God bless you and God bless America.
My wife Dana and I want to thank everyone who came out and voted for me in this election. You will never know how much this means to me. It is a tremendous honor to have you put your faith in me and the ideas I put forward to ‘Take Back America’.
I also want to thank the hundreds of volunteers who put in precious time placing yard signs, stuffing envelopes, making phone calls and sending out all those postcards. Your enthusiasm and encouragement kept me going all those late nights and early mornings. I would also like to thank the tremendous team that served during the campaign.
While we lost this race I do believe a clear message has been sent, as the incumbent received less than 50% of the vote. I call upon Congressman Miller to take note as to how We The People voted. I am disappointed the vote was split amongst three challengers, as it is evident we had the momentum going into the final weeks. However, if I had to do it all over again I would enter the race again tomorrow.
Having walked the neighborhoods and meeting the people of our community personally was one of the richest experiences of my life. I entered this race because I have a great concern about the direction of our country. But as I walked the district meeting our neighbors and experiencing the support of the voters, I am hopeful. Please do not give up on this good fight to restore accountability, fiscal responsibility and the values this country was founded upon, they are too important. I encourage you to get involved on any and every level as our Founding Fathers envisioned a country of citizens in leadership not career politicians.
Again I want to thank all of you for your votes, supports and prayers.
May God bless you and God bless America.
David Su Post Election Comment
Former 42nd Congressional candidate David Su has posted the following comment on his campaign's Facebook page.
Hello Everyone!
As you know the primaries are over and the results are in. Congressman Gary Miller, the GOP incumbent, my opponent has retained his seat. I know many of you are disappointed, some of you are discouraged, but don’t be. I know I’m not. I am content with my results and very humbled on the journey that I had embarked on. I fought the good fight and decided to run for Congress because this country needs real change and ran with sheer passion, the strength of conviction to stand up for what I believe in. I just want to say congratulations to Congressman Gary Miller on his reelection and I will be supporting him to continue to fight for his constituents and to be a voice in Washington. Freedom is precious and I too will continue to fight, to contribute and to do what is right in improving the quality of life for all Americans.
This message is for all Americans, tax payers, and citizens everywhere. Whoever your candidate may have been, win or lose it is now time to get behind and support the official candidate in their bid to continue to fight for liberty and take America back for the people. Let’s full on support our representatives for our party and be sure to get them elected so that we may ensure our future as well as the future for many generations to come. Let’s do it with the will, the determination, and let’s show the Democrats come this fall what Republicans mean, by campaigning and supporting our candidates with the American spirit!
Thank you for everyone who has supported me financially, spiritually with prayers, with words of encouragement, and with volunteering throughout these past months. Come November, let’s take America back!
For God, For the People, For Country,
David Su
Former Candidate for US Congress, 42nd CD GOP.
Hello Everyone!
As you know the primaries are over and the results are in. Congressman Gary Miller, the GOP incumbent, my opponent has retained his seat. I know many of you are disappointed, some of you are discouraged, but don’t be. I know I’m not. I am content with my results and very humbled on the journey that I had embarked on. I fought the good fight and decided to run for Congress because this country needs real change and ran with sheer passion, the strength of conviction to stand up for what I believe in. I just want to say congratulations to Congressman Gary Miller on his reelection and I will be supporting him to continue to fight for his constituents and to be a voice in Washington. Freedom is precious and I too will continue to fight, to contribute and to do what is right in improving the quality of life for all Americans.
This message is for all Americans, tax payers, and citizens everywhere. Whoever your candidate may have been, win or lose it is now time to get behind and support the official candidate in their bid to continue to fight for liberty and take America back for the people. Let’s full on support our representatives for our party and be sure to get them elected so that we may ensure our future as well as the future for many generations to come. Let’s do it with the will, the determination, and let’s show the Democrats come this fall what Republicans mean, by campaigning and supporting our candidates with the American spirit!
Thank you for everyone who has supported me financially, spiritually with prayers, with words of encouragement, and with volunteering throughout these past months. Come November, let’s take America back!
For God, For the People, For Country,
David Su
Former Candidate for US Congress, 42nd CD GOP.
Whittier Daily News story on 42nd race, Liberatore comments
The Whittier Daily News has a story on the 42nd race including some strong comments from Liberatore.
Liberatore told the paper, "Gary Miller had the press in his pocket. He controls all of the cities. He's the incumbent and everybody is bowing down to this guy. It was hard to get any response from the media."
The article spoke about the amount of money spent on the race. It stated, "Liberatore mailed fliers and purchased newspaper ads, after loaning his campaign $725,000. Miller reported spending about $330,000 but said that only $200,000 was for the campaign. The rest was for office expenses."
Liberatore told the paper, "Gary Miller had the press in his pocket. He controls all of the cities. He's the incumbent and everybody is bowing down to this guy. It was hard to get any response from the media."
The article spoke about the amount of money spent on the race. It stated, "Liberatore mailed fliers and purchased newspaper ads, after loaning his campaign $725,000. Miller reported spending about $330,000 but said that only $200,000 was for the campaign. The rest was for office expenses."
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Billy Wojciak Wins 42nd Primary Predictions
We asked our readers to guess the finishing order of the 42nd Republican primary. Two readers, Billy Wojciak and MV Conservative, guessed correctly but Billy was the closest on the percentage Miller would receive. He guessed 47%, Miller received 49%.
Thanks to our readers for their predictions.
Thanks to our readers for their predictions.
Lee McGroarty comments on Election
42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty left the following comment on our blog this morning. McGroaty finished third with 10.7% of the vote.
Last evening, my campaign held a celebration party at our home. Lisa and I were so pleased with the turnout. It was a chance for us to say thank you for a truly wonderful year. We couldn't have been more touched by the outpouring of love and support for the efforts of my team, my family and most importantly, my supporters.
Did we win? Absolutely. I can truly hold my head up high knowing we fought a great fight. I believed Congressman Miller needed to be challenged and our goal was to offer a choice to the people of the district. My entering the race assured that. Though I wish I could have gone head-to-head against Miller, others also stood up and challenged. That is Democracy!
As a gesture of goodwill, I will be calling each of my opponents today. For now, I tip my hat to Congressman Miller for his victory. I also applaud Phil and David for their efforts. We all won. But more importantly, the People won. This is what elections are about. In the end, it was not about us -- the candidates. In the end, it was about the People electing leaders.
To continue reading click Read More below.
Last evening, my campaign held a celebration party at our home. Lisa and I were so pleased with the turnout. It was a chance for us to say thank you for a truly wonderful year. We couldn't have been more touched by the outpouring of love and support for the efforts of my team, my family and most importantly, my supporters.
Did we win? Absolutely. I can truly hold my head up high knowing we fought a great fight. I believed Congressman Miller needed to be challenged and our goal was to offer a choice to the people of the district. My entering the race assured that. Though I wish I could have gone head-to-head against Miller, others also stood up and challenged. That is Democracy!
As a gesture of goodwill, I will be calling each of my opponents today. For now, I tip my hat to Congressman Miller for his victory. I also applaud Phil and David for their efforts. We all won. But more importantly, the People won. This is what elections are about. In the end, it was not about us -- the candidates. In the end, it was about the People electing leaders.
To continue reading click Read More below.
Rep. Gary Miller Wins
Rep. Gary Miller has defeated three challengers to win reelection. With all precincts reporting Miller received 49%. Phil Liberatore was his closest challenger with 37.2%.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Updated: 42nd Republican Primary Combined Results from State
All three counties in the 42nd have finally submitted their results to the State so we have our first combined totals. We will update these totals as well as our post with the county totals. Miller is around 50%.
Updated: 10:04am
Phil Liberatore 37.2%
Lee McGroarty 10.7%
Gary Miller 49.0%
David Su 3.1%
Precincts Reporting 100% (470 of 470)
Updated: 10:04am
Phil Liberatore 37.2%
Lee McGroarty 10.7%
Gary Miller 49.0%
David Su 3.1%
Precincts Reporting 100% (470 of 470)
Updated: 42nd Republican Primary Results by County
Updated: 10:07am
Orange County is the key to this race as it is home to 2/3 of the Republicans in the 42nd. It is currently Rep. Gary Miller's weakest county in the results but as long as he keeps beating Liberatore there he has this race in the bag.
Orange County
Phil Liberatore 39.2%
Lee McGroarty 10.8%
Gary Miller 47.4%
David Su 2.6%
Precincts Reporting 292 of 292
Los Angeles County
Phil Liberatore 32.5%
Lee McGroarty 7.0%
Gary Miller 55.0%
David Su 5.5%
Precincts Reporting 78 of 78
San Bernardino County
Phil Liberatore 32.8%
Lee McGroarty 14.8%
Gary Miller 49.4%
David Su 3.0%
Precincts Reporting 100 of 100
Orange County is the key to this race as it is home to 2/3 of the Republicans in the 42nd. It is currently Rep. Gary Miller's weakest county in the results but as long as he keeps beating Liberatore there he has this race in the bag.
Orange County
Phil Liberatore 39.2%
Lee McGroarty 10.8%
Gary Miller 47.4%
David Su 2.6%
Precincts Reporting 292 of 292
Los Angeles County
Phil Liberatore 32.5%
Lee McGroarty 7.0%
Gary Miller 55.0%
David Su 5.5%
Precincts Reporting 78 of 78
San Bernardino County
Phil Liberatore 32.8%
Lee McGroarty 14.8%
Gary Miller 49.4%
David Su 3.0%
Precincts Reporting 100 of 100
Reminder: 42nd Republican Primary Predictions
Don't forget to give us your predictions for the 42nd Republican primary.
From our earlier post.
With two days left until Election Day we welcome our readers to predict the finishing position of the four candidates in the 42nd Republican primary.
We have no prizes to offer but will post the comment name used in a story announcing who correctly guessed the finish. As a tie breaker also guess the percentage of the vote the winner will receive.
From our earlier post.
With two days left until Election Day we welcome our readers to predict the finishing position of the four candidates in the 42nd Republican primary.
We have no prizes to offer but will post the comment name used in a story announcing who correctly guessed the finish. As a tie breaker also guess the percentage of the vote the winner will receive.
Lee McGroarty thanks his supporters
42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty has posted the following statement on his web site.
McGroarty Thanks His Supporters
by mcgroarty4congress on
My wife Lisa and I would like to thank all our supporters for their tireless efforts and devotion to our campaign. A year ago, I felt our economy would be in dire circumstances, the incumbents would be under attack, and the country would want to move back to common sense conservative values. I was right on all three fronts.
A year later, I am so proud of our campaign. We have fought hard and have taken on the Republican establishment and a 6 term Congressman. We set out to improve the Party and to let our Congressman know that We The People are watching and we will act when you let us down.
I would also like to thank the numerous Tea Parties that endorsed my candidacy: iCaucus, the Conservative Party (California), and the SOC912 group. Also, Kelly Good, founder of the Chino Hills Tea Party has not only been courageous but is an example of what is right with those who believe in the greatness of America.
Today is June 8th and I am confident we will win. Regardless of the outcome, I will hold my head high knowing I fought an honorable race and have served the People of the 42nd District well.
Best wishes to all and God Bless!
It is in God's hands now...and in yours. Please vote for Lee McGroarty. Thank you!
McGroarty Thanks His Supporters
by mcgroarty4congress on
My wife Lisa and I would like to thank all our supporters for their tireless efforts and devotion to our campaign. A year ago, I felt our economy would be in dire circumstances, the incumbents would be under attack, and the country would want to move back to common sense conservative values. I was right on all three fronts.
A year later, I am so proud of our campaign. We have fought hard and have taken on the Republican establishment and a 6 term Congressman. We set out to improve the Party and to let our Congressman know that We The People are watching and we will act when you let us down.
I would also like to thank the numerous Tea Parties that endorsed my candidacy: iCaucus, the Conservative Party (California), and the SOC912 group. Also, Kelly Good, founder of the Chino Hills Tea Party has not only been courageous but is an example of what is right with those who believe in the greatness of America.
Today is June 8th and I am confident we will win. Regardless of the outcome, I will hold my head high knowing I fought an honorable race and have served the People of the 42nd District well.
Best wishes to all and God Bless!
It is in God's hands now...and in yours. Please vote for Lee McGroarty. Thank you!
The 42nd Republican Primary: Some things to watch for
Here are a few things to watch for today in the Republican primary in the 42nd Congressional district.
Orange County: More than 2/3 of registered Republicans in the 42nd live in Orange County. However, none of the four candidates live there. This is where the mail pieces from Rep. Gary Miller and Phil Liberatore will separate them from David Su and Lee McGroarty. Name id means a lot in an election.
Candidate's City: If Miller is losing Diamond Bar or Liberatore is losing Whittier, it is a bad sign of things to come for them. This is especially true for Diamond Bar. Miller has been representing the city since he started in politics. If he loses there, the race is lost.
We will be posting results and commentary on what the results mean throughout the night so please check in later tonight.
Orange County: More than 2/3 of registered Republicans in the 42nd live in Orange County. However, none of the four candidates live there. This is where the mail pieces from Rep. Gary Miller and Phil Liberatore will separate them from David Su and Lee McGroarty. Name id means a lot in an election.
Candidate's City: If Miller is losing Diamond Bar or Liberatore is losing Whittier, it is a bad sign of things to come for them. This is especially true for Diamond Bar. Miller has been representing the city since he started in politics. If he loses there, the race is lost.
We will be posting results and commentary on what the results mean throughout the night so please check in later tonight.
Lee McGroarty responds to Marc Harris and not being able to speak at Tea Party Event
Yesterday we posted a story that 42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty was not allowed to speak at a Tea Party event, while fellow candidate Phil Liberatore was. Later Marc Harris, the person several commenters stated was the person who didn't allow McGroarty to speak, responded to the issue. In his response Harris said there was, "suspicion now being raised that McGroarty has made a back-room deal with Miller to stay in the race in order to split the vote, and ensure Miller's re-election."
McGroarty responded in two comments.
To continue reading click Read More below.
McGroarty responded in two comments.
To continue reading click Read More below.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Phil Liberatore loans himself another $150,000; Lee McGroarty raises $3,400
According to documents filed with the FEC today, 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore has loaned himself $150,000 bringing to $725,000 the total Liberatore has loaned his campaign.
42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty reported on Sunday that he raised $3,400 from two donors.
42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty reported on Sunday that he raised $3,400 from two donors.
Phil Liberatore Email has new 42nd Poll, now he has 56%

Earlier today we posted a poll from 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore that shows him ahead of Rep. Gary Miller 27% to 21%.
I have just received an email from the Liberatore campaign that shows him ahead of Miller 56%-44%. So he gained 29% in one day, Lee McGroarty and David Su received 0%, and no one was undecided? Seems unlikely.
2008 Polling in the 42nd Congressional District
In September 0f 2008 Democrat Ed Chau, who was challenging Rep. Gary Miller in the General Election, released a poll. The campaign said, "Ed Chau leads Gary Miller by 44% to 38% with 18% of the voters undecided."
On Election Day, Miller received 60.2% and Chau received 39.8%. So in a Democratic year Miller received 4% of Chau's supporters from the poll and all of the undecideds. Unlikely. It is more likely that the poll was inaccurate.
On Election Day, Miller received 60.2% and Chau received 39.8%. So in a Democratic year Miller received 4% of Chau's supporters from the poll and all of the undecideds. Unlikely. It is more likely that the poll was inaccurate.
Phil Liberatore Releases Poll that shows him Defeating Rep. Gary Miller
The Liberatore campaign has released the following press release that contains poll numbers on the 42nd Republican primary.
I noticed a couple of things that make me question the validity of the poll. First, it didn't include David Su or Lee McGroarty, which is why the undecided is so high. We wouldn't know if McGroarty or Su have 30% because they didn't ask. Second, who conducted the poll? It could have just been Liberatore staff calling. Third, who was contacted? The release doesn't say they only contacted Republicans or registered voters. It only says, "1,281 residents of the 42nd district ." Did they just call supporters? Finally, how were the questions asked? Was it a "push poll." We will find out tomorrow how accurate it is.
To continue reading click Read More below.
I noticed a couple of things that make me question the validity of the poll. First, it didn't include David Su or Lee McGroarty, which is why the undecided is so high. We wouldn't know if McGroarty or Su have 30% because they didn't ask. Second, who conducted the poll? It could have just been Liberatore staff calling. Third, who was contacted? The release doesn't say they only contacted Republicans or registered voters. It only says, "1,281 residents of the 42nd district ." Did they just call supporters? Finally, how were the questions asked? Was it a "push poll." We will find out tomorrow how accurate it is.
To continue reading click Read More below.
Response from Marc Harris?
We have received the following response to our earlier post about 42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty not being allowed to speak at a Tea Party event yesterday. We don't know for sure that this is in fact from Marc Harris. It was sent via email and was forwarded twice. The emails listed are from leadership in groups associated with Harris, so we have a strong belief that this is in fact from Harris.
I thought it was funny that Harris said, "Funny, you don't see Miller attacking McGroarty." I guess Harris hasn't been following the race long enough. The Lee McGroarty for Congress web site that Miller put up comes to mind.
Thanks for this post, Miller team....This is only going to add more fuel to the suspicion now being raised that McGroarty has made a back-room deal with Miller to stay in the race in order to split the vote, and ensure Miller's re-election. (Do people do such things in politics???)
Otherwise, why would Miller's supporters here give a darn about this obscure incident, and slant it so far from the facts?
The FACTS are that: a) I was not the "host" of this event, it was put on by a local coordinator, and I have no authority to determine who speaks, b) I was NOT the one who denied McGroarty's request to speak, it was the local coordinator, c) it was on private property, and the owner participated in setting the agenda and speakers and, again, I have no authority to tell a private property owner what can go on on his property, d) I have NOT endorsed Liberatore: I support the Tea Party leaders and members; accordingly, I will act in a manner consistent with the results of numerous emails, phone calls, caucuses, and straw polls among local Tea Parties which show greater support for Liberatore.
To continue reading click Read More
I thought it was funny that Harris said, "Funny, you don't see Miller attacking McGroarty." I guess Harris hasn't been following the race long enough. The Lee McGroarty for Congress web site that Miller put up comes to mind.
Thanks for this post, Miller team....This is only going to add more fuel to the suspicion now being raised that McGroarty has made a back-room deal with Miller to stay in the race in order to split the vote, and ensure Miller's re-election. (Do people do such things in politics???)
Otherwise, why would Miller's supporters here give a darn about this obscure incident, and slant it so far from the facts?
The FACTS are that: a) I was not the "host" of this event, it was put on by a local coordinator, and I have no authority to determine who speaks, b) I was NOT the one who denied McGroarty's request to speak, it was the local coordinator, c) it was on private property, and the owner participated in setting the agenda and speakers and, again, I have no authority to tell a private property owner what can go on on his property, d) I have NOT endorsed Liberatore: I support the Tea Party leaders and members; accordingly, I will act in a manner consistent with the results of numerous emails, phone calls, caucuses, and straw polls among local Tea Parties which show greater support for Liberatore.
To continue reading click Read More
Why did a Phil Liberatore supporter block Lee McGroarty from speaking?
Yesterday there was a Tea Party event in Anaheim. According to several comments we received, 42nd Congressional candidate Lee McGroarty attended the event but was not allowed to speak. However, 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore was. In fact, several people who have endorsed him spoke as well.
According to the comments we received, Marc Harris, who hosted the event and has endorsed Liberatore, is the person who denied McGroarty the chance to speak. Harris has appeared in mail sent by the Liberatore campaign. He is the Orange County Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots.
According to the comments we received, Marc Harris, who hosted the event and has endorsed Liberatore, is the person who denied McGroarty the chance to speak. Harris has appeared in mail sent by the Liberatore campaign. He is the Orange County Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots.
Most Read Stories: May 31- June 6
1. Where are the polls that show Phil Liberatore winning?
2. Lee McGroarty defends Rep. Gary Miller; says Phil Liberatore "grandstanding"
3. Daily Bulletin endorses Rep. Gary Miller, calls Lee McGroarty "favorite" of challengers
4. The Miller Military Records: McGroarty played it right, Liberatore played it wrong
5. Rep. Gary Miller releases Military Record showing Honorable Discharge
6. Rep. Gary Miller featured in FOX News article
7. Phil Liberatore sends out email on Rep. Gary Miller's Service record
8. Lee McGroarty Comments on Daily Bulletin Editorial Support
9. Harper's Magazine Details Rep. Gary Miller's Military Service
10. Vote in our 42nd Congressional Primary Poll
2. Lee McGroarty defends Rep. Gary Miller; says Phil Liberatore "grandstanding"
3. Daily Bulletin endorses Rep. Gary Miller, calls Lee McGroarty "favorite" of challengers
4. The Miller Military Records: McGroarty played it right, Liberatore played it wrong
5. Rep. Gary Miller releases Military Record showing Honorable Discharge
6. Rep. Gary Miller featured in FOX News article
7. Phil Liberatore sends out email on Rep. Gary Miller's Service record
8. Lee McGroarty Comments on Daily Bulletin Editorial Support
9. Harper's Magazine Details Rep. Gary Miller's Military Service
10. Vote in our 42nd Congressional Primary Poll
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Letter from David Su to Constituents of 42nd District
42nd Congressional candidate David Su emailed us a letter that he wanted us to post. It is addressed "to the Constituents of the 42nd CD."
To the Constituents of the 42nd CD.
Hello everyone! So there are 2 days left before the primaries and I just wanted to say that it has certainly been a humbling experience for me as I am embarking on this journey all the way to the finish line. I never would’ve imagined of even getting to this point yet alone having the privilege to even run for Congress. I am the youngest congressional candidate in the country right now. I know in certain countries you wouldn’t even be able to run a company yet alone get into politics at my age. This clearly depicts what a great nation we live in, a nation where we are allowed to express our opinions, concerns, and ideas in any shape or form without the fear of persecution or tyranny. This great nation was founded upon the principles of our fore founding fathers which fought a tyrant 3000 miles away in order to secure a birth of a great nation, so people may live free to pursue their own version of happiness without the impediment of government. I know this country has given me all the opportunities and possibilities, something no other country in the world could offer. I know that I have a great deep genuine love for America and she is currently being destroyed from within. I feel that the leaders in Washington aren’t listening and playing politics as usual which will eventually lead America to destruction. I know we cannot afford adding more deficit; to our current $13 trillion dollar debt that we are facing. I know people are losing their jobs, people are losing their savings, people are wondering how they are going to take care of their families, (especially the 99ers) and all that hope and change platform that President Barack Obama ran on during his campaign, is flickering away, like a candle flame ready to burn out. People are losing hope and America is screaming for leadership. I know the conservatives in this country can lead and has proven that before in the past. However in this current time of crisis our nation is facing, the only party that has that capability has lost all accountability, responsibility, and trust with its own base and with the American people.
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To the Constituents of the 42nd CD.
Hello everyone! So there are 2 days left before the primaries and I just wanted to say that it has certainly been a humbling experience for me as I am embarking on this journey all the way to the finish line. I never would’ve imagined of even getting to this point yet alone having the privilege to even run for Congress. I am the youngest congressional candidate in the country right now. I know in certain countries you wouldn’t even be able to run a company yet alone get into politics at my age. This clearly depicts what a great nation we live in, a nation where we are allowed to express our opinions, concerns, and ideas in any shape or form without the fear of persecution or tyranny. This great nation was founded upon the principles of our fore founding fathers which fought a tyrant 3000 miles away in order to secure a birth of a great nation, so people may live free to pursue their own version of happiness without the impediment of government. I know this country has given me all the opportunities and possibilities, something no other country in the world could offer. I know that I have a great deep genuine love for America and she is currently being destroyed from within. I feel that the leaders in Washington aren’t listening and playing politics as usual which will eventually lead America to destruction. I know we cannot afford adding more deficit; to our current $13 trillion dollar debt that we are facing. I know people are losing their jobs, people are losing their savings, people are wondering how they are going to take care of their families, (especially the 99ers) and all that hope and change platform that President Barack Obama ran on during his campaign, is flickering away, like a candle flame ready to burn out. People are losing hope and America is screaming for leadership. I know the conservatives in this country can lead and has proven that before in the past. However in this current time of crisis our nation is facing, the only party that has that capability has lost all accountability, responsibility, and trust with its own base and with the American people.
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Talk Show Host Claims David Su and Lee McGroarty under 5% in 42nd.
On Friday, we posted a story about how 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore and his supporters have been publicly stating that Liberatore is "winning" in polls or that the polls are "tight." We wondered why Liberatore wasn't posting the results in an effort to win over David Su and Lee McGroarty supporters who want to defeat Rep. Gary Miller.
Liberatore still hasn't released any polls but his supporters are trying to make it seem like Su and McGroarty have no shot.
Rick Amato, who hosts the Rick Amato Show in San Diego, has posted the following in regards to Phil Liberatore.
"UPDATE: The latest internal polling numbers show Liberatore and Miller neck and neck. There is a risk that unless one of the other candidates drop out (other candidates polling at less than 5% of the vote) sadly they could be responsible for sending Miller back to Washington."
Amato uses the word "candidates," so he is implying that McGroarty and Su are under 5%. But for all we know Liberatore could be at 6%.
If Liberatore was winning, or with in a few points, they would release the poll because gaining an extra point or two from Su and/or McGroarty would be all he needed.
Liberatore still hasn't released any polls but his supporters are trying to make it seem like Su and McGroarty have no shot.
Rick Amato, who hosts the Rick Amato Show in San Diego, has posted the following in regards to Phil Liberatore.
"UPDATE: The latest internal polling numbers show Liberatore and Miller neck and neck. There is a risk that unless one of the other candidates drop out (other candidates polling at less than 5% of the vote) sadly they could be responsible for sending Miller back to Washington."
Amato uses the word "candidates," so he is implying that McGroarty and Su are under 5%. But for all we know Liberatore could be at 6%.
If Liberatore was winning, or with in a few points, they would release the poll because gaining an extra point or two from Su and/or McGroarty would be all he needed.
42nd Republican Primary Predictions
With two days left until Election Day we welcome our readers to predict the finishing position of the four candidates in the 42nd Republican primary.
We have no prizes to offer but will post the comment name used in a story announcing who correctly guessed the finish. As a tie breaker also guess the percentage of the vote the winner will receive.
We have no prizes to offer but will post the comment name used in a story announcing who correctly guessed the finish. As a tie breaker also guess the percentage of the vote the winner will receive.
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