Saturday, May 29, 2010
"48 Hour Notice" Donations in 42nd race
Since May 20 only two candidates have filed "48 hour notices." Rep. Gary Miller has received three donations totaling $4,500. Phil Liberatore has received one donation of $1,000.
David Su sending out campaign mailer?
If sending it district wide, Su would be the third candidate in the Republican primary to send out a campaign mail piece, joining Rep. Gary Miller and Phil Liberatore. Lee McGroarty would be the only candidate that has not sent out a district wide mail piece. There is still some time left to mail one, but not much.
Memorial Day Statement from Rep. Gary Miller
Our nation owes an incredible debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid to all the brave men and women who have served our nation by helping to promote peace, stability, and democracy worldwide. Day in and day out, in the streets of Baghdad, in the countryside of Afghanistan, and in hotspots around the globe, American servicemembers serve our country faithfully and honorably.
During the War on Terror, nearly 5,500 men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for us by defending our nation and ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One of these fallen servicemembers includes Lance Cpl. Abraham “Abe” Simpson, a Chino resident and member of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Abe’s ultimate sacrifice has touched me personally and I will never forget him. Prior to joining the Marine Corps, I had the honor to present Abe an American flag that had been flown over the Capitol at his Eagle Scout award ceremony. In the beginning of his senior year of high school, Abe joined the Marines, something he had long wanted to do. Though just 19, Abe knew what he wanted, where he was going, and what his mission was while serving in Iraq. On November 9, 2004, Abe gave his life for his fellow Americans in the bloody battle of Fallujah.
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Friday, May 28, 2010
Memorial Day Statement from David Su
Hello Everyone! It is Friday so happy Friday! I hope everyone here has great plans for Memorial Day weekend. Many Americans use this weekend or that extra day to go on vacation with family and friends to relax and unwind from weeks worth of intense labor. Some go to the beach, some go camping, and some go out of town. This is all great, but I hope people realize what the meaning of Memorial Day is, to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for serving our country in uniform. These men and women made a decision of valor, making the sacrifices to delay their schooling, the pursue of their careers, and to be with their families to serve our country. I know everyone can't do this, it's more of a calling for those who are serving now, but let us not forget those who had served in the past. Those individuals did not have a choice, who answered the call to fight for freedom and to preserve the republic at all cost. Let us remember them, remember people like Retired Navy Lt. John Finn who recently passed away at age 100 and who was a recipient for the Medal of Honor, for his bravery and acts of valor during Pearl Harbor.
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A look at the 42nd Republican Race
A look at the campaigns of the four Republican candidates with a week and a half to go.
Rep. Gary Miller: Has been sending out several mail pieces a week, for several weeks. About half have targeted Phil Liberatore. He has also had television and radio ads. Has put up a Phil Liberatore for Congress website and Lee McGroarty for Congress which list some of the baggage each candidate has.
Phil Liberatore: Appears to have the best chance of defeating Miller. He has spent close to $500,000. He regularly appears on local radio shows. He comments daily on his Facebook and Twitter pages. He has been running ads on television and radio. He has mailed several campaign pieces. One of them, claiming the endorsement of the Chairman of the Los Angeles County Republican Party, caused him some negative media attention.
Lee McGroarty: His campaign has become very quiet. According to his campaign website the last news release was May 17. He has not posted an event on his event page since he listed a May 8 event. I have yet to hear McGroarty on any radio talk show. He has never commented on his McGroarty for Congress Facebook page. He has not commented on his Twitter page since May 17. However, his campaign may be about to become more active. Any regular reader to our blog knows that for the last few weeks McGroarty supporters were commenting that Liberatore was under FEC investigation for sending out mail with his corporate logo. Since, only those that filed an FEC complaint can have knowledge of it, we commented that McGroarty, or one of his supporters, had filed a complaint. Yesterday we posted a story that a complaint regarding this issue was filed against Liberatore several weeks ago. McGroarty cannot win without defeating Miller AND Liberatore so this might be the beginning of an offensive against Liberatore. But there are less than two weeks to election day so if it happens, we will see it soon. As of the most recent FEC filings, McGroarty has the most cash on hand of the three challengers to Miller.
David Su: He has been flying under the radar and will probably surprise some people on election day with his vote total. He has appeared on the John and Ken show, as well as in several Asian newspapers. He has been walking door to door and put up campaign signs throughout the district. He also comments on his campaign facebook page daily.
Lee McGroarty files FEC Forms, files one day late
He raised $5,917, loaned himself $1,700 and spent $356.10. He has $10,331.67 cash on hand.
McGroarty is challenging Rep. Gary Miller, Phil Liberatore and David Su in the Republican primary in the 42nd Congressional district.
McGroarty spent the least of the four Republican candidates during this reporting period, with less than two weeks until the election.
42nd FEC Filing Update
Rep. Gary Miller raised $23,854.95 and spent $128,491.16. This leaves him with $948,141.16 cash on hand.
Phil Liberatore raised $27,166, loaned himself $375,000 and spent $398,410.99. He has $7,325.49 cash on hand.
David Su raised $1,422 and spent $1,327. He has $46.33 cash on hand.
The FEC web site is currently not showing they have received forms from Lee McGroarty. There is a fine for filing forms late and no extensions are granted.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
FEC Complaint Filed against Phil Liberatore

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Judge's ruling means Jane Barnett, not Robert Vaughn, Chair of LA County Republican Party
Recently we had posted several stories about the dispute after 42nd Congressional candidate Phil Liberatore sent out a mail piece stating that he had the endorsement of Robert Vaughn. His title was listed as Chairman of the LA County Republican Party. The SGV Tribune and Orange County Register both wrote stories about the mail piece.
The Orange County Register's Total Buzz blog has a picture of the mail piece.
If Liberatore comments on the issue I will post his response.
Rep. Gary Miller Files Pre-Primary Fundraising totals
Majority of Miller's expenses were related to campaign mail and advertising.
Miller is being challenged in the 42nd Republican primary by David Su, Phil Liberatore and Lee McGroarty.
OC Register has story on Phil Liberatore's FEC filing
Now the Orange County Register and its political blog, Total Buzz, have stories about it.
Liberatore is challenging Rep. Gary Miller, Lee McGroarty and David Su for the Republican nomination in the 42nd Congressional district.
New Release from Phil Liberatore; Gives out Cell Phone Number
Seems risky to give out your cell phone in such a close race but will get some attention.
Congressional Candidate Phil Liberatore Calls, Blogs, Vlogs, Writeas, ...
May 26, 2010
Congressional Candidate Phil Liberatore has long pledged to be a different kind of Congressman than the one he seeks to replace in his race for the GOP nomination in California's 42nd district. He has said that he intends to fly coach to Washington DC and has promises to do a better job than six-term incumbent Gary Miller at communicating with voters in his district. In his race to replace Miller, Liberatore is giving voters a sense of how he would stay in touch with them if they send him to Washington. Launching a campaign called "Ask Phil," Liberatore has given out his cell phone number and invited potential constituents to contact him with questions related to the campaign and issues that are on their mind. Voters in the 42nd district may reach Phil at: (714) 795-1601. Liberatore also blogs for two popular websites, and, sends regular udpates from his Twitter account, communicates to supporters through Facebook and posts regular video updates to his YouTube site. He's also publishing a book Inside The IRS, in June. Taken together, the various communication methods are in stark contrast to Miller who finally got around to creating a website in early May with just a month to go in the campaign. "What can I say, I'm Italian!" laughed Liberatore when asked about the various tools his campaign has been using to keep in touch with voters. "I love people and I love to tell them about this campaign and what I hope to do for them. Our campaign is trying to use every method of communication that modern technology offers us. But the goal remains the same: To listen to voters and communicate with them my ideas and how I plan to help make their lives better by lifting the burden of taxes off of their families." A trusted businessman, and resident of the 42nd District for over 26 years, Liberatore has a passion for helping people. He is running against six-term incumbent Republican congressman Gary Miller in a district which stretches from Whittier in Los Angeles County to Mission Viejo in Orange County and includes parts of San Bernardino County, is one of the most conservative districts in California with a track record of electing conservative candidates. Liberatore has his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and his Master of Business Administration degree in Finance from the University of Southern California. Facebooks at: Vlogs at: . Tweets at: For more information on Phil Liberatore or to schedule an interview please contact: Jesse Kleinjan at (774) 722-3814
Copyright © 2010 PRWeb, All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Phil Liberatore Files Pre-Primary Fundraising totals; Spends nearly $400,000 since April 1
He raised $27,166, loaned himself $375,000 and spent $398,410.99. He has $7,325.49 cash on hand.
Most of his expenses were related to advertising.
Liberatore's campaign has now spent more than $500,000 since January 1.
Liberatore is challenging Rep. Gary Miller, David Su and Lee McGroarty for the Republican nomination in the 42nd Congressional district.
David Su Files Pre-Primary Fundraising totals
Most of his expenses were related to yard signs and advertising.
For the primary Su has raised a total of 3,428.57 and spent $3,382.24.
Su is challenging Rep. Gary Miller, Phil Liberatore and Lee McGroarty for the Republican nomination in the 42nd Congressional district.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Phil Liberatore responds to his picture in Rep. Gary Miller mail piece, not content
Rep. Gary Miller sent out a piece in which he mentions several lawsuits Phil Liberatore has been involved in. All of them are on the anti-Liberatore Miller put up, Phil Liberatore for Congress, so I linked to them.
First, he mentions Liberatore was sued by the U.S. Department of Labor for not paying his employees overtime. Second, Miller mentions Liberatore sued his own employee for over a million dollars for taking a side job. Finally, Miller mentioned that Liberatore sued a roofing company because the tar smelled. Miller also lists all of the lawsuits Liberatore has been involved in by case number.
The two pictures on the front of the mail piece are from the youtube video of Liberatore boxing for his 55th Birthday. We posted about that video in March.
Liberatore has responded to the mail piece on his facebook page.
"You may received a mailer with me on the cover sent by my opponent Gary Miller. I think he used it trying to embarrassing me but why? I set a goal of getting in shape and sparring five rounds with my boxing trainer. I am very proud to say I accomplished this goal and before we started sparring I did 55 push ups. It wa...s a great birthday party with wife, friends and co-workers there for the main event. As I walk the district people tell me we need to send a fighter to Washington not another incumbent politician. Take a look at the video and tell me what you think! You can post a message about it to my Campaign Facebook page."
I have not noticed Liberatore or Miller commenting on any specific mail piece in the past. So it is interesting that Liberatore would comment on this one. What is more interesting to me is that he didn't respond to being sued by the U.S. Department of Labor, suing his own employee for taking a side job or suing a roofing company because the tar smelled. He only responded to the boxing pictures of him being used.
OC Register has story on Phil Liberatore endorsement by Robert Vaughn
Today the OC Register posted a story on their blog, Total Buzz.
The Total Buzz mentions that Robert Vaughn, who has endorsed Liberatore and claims to be the LA County Republican Party Chairman, lists on his campaign site that he is a former Navy Admiral. We mentioned that he was a former Admiral in one of our posts. It turns out that he is not a former Admiral. The Total Buzz reports that, "He said the website was wrong; that he didn’t know how that line appeared that and said he would get it fixed." It now says he is a "former aviation technician.”
Updated: Vote in our 42nd Republican Primary Poll
Updated: Currently (11:20 am) David Su leads with 58%, Lee McGroarty is second with 25% and Phil Liberatore rounds out the field with 16%.
Su is doing a good job getting his supporters to vote as his vote percentage has been consistent since we posted the poll.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Most Read Stories: May 17-23
2. Calvary Chapel Founder Chuck Smith Says He Did Not Endorse Phil Liberatore
3. Is Phil Liberatore being misleading about Chuck Smith's Support?
4. Lee McGroarty Responds to Miller Email; Changes story on why Business entity's were suspended
5. Rep. Gary Miller puts up Phil Liberatore site; Liberatore sued by U.S. Department of Labor for not paying overtime to employees
6. Rep. Gary Miller comments on "Tax Fraud Phil" Signs
7. Phil Liberatore Responds to "Tax Fraud" Signs
8. More on Robert Vaughn
9. "Don't Elect Tax Fraud Phil Liberatore" email sent out
10. From the David Su Campaign: Meet the Real Young Gun of the GOP
Whittier Daily News has story on 42nd Race; Miller explains "Tax Fraud" signs
A large part of the article was spent on the "Don't Elect Tax Fraud Phil Liberatore" signs. I found Miller's explanation for why he put them up interesting. He told the Whittier Daily News,
"After a while you get tired of being poked by somebody," Miller said, explaining his negative campaigning. "Enough is enough ... you get tired of being bashed."
So Miller put up the signs because he felt Liberatore was bashing him? Interesting.
The article stated the "signs are based on allegations the candidate's clients have sued him for preparing fraudulent tax returns." The paper wrote, "Liberatore responds that he has never been accused of tax fraud by the IRS."
The paper spoke with two experts, Jack Pitney and Allen Hoffenblum, about the 42nd race (and Rep. Dreier's race). Pitney said it would be a "shocking development," for Miller (or Dreier) to lose. Hoffenblum said,"None of (the challengers) is going to have the money to significantly challenge these incumbents. The majority of voters won't even know who the challengers are." He went on to say, "If they vote for someone other than the incumbent, it shows dissatisfaction with the incumbent, not support for the challenger."
Lee McGroarty and David Su were also interviewed for this article. To read more please visit the Whittier Daily News.